FREE Masterclass: The 3 Secrets to Creating a High Profit, Automated Business Online

Your Host


I went from feeling like I was being pulled in every earning an income online, being my own boss & having time to breathe


Do I currently trade my TIME for MONEY?

Do I have control over my schedule & get to design my days to fit my lifestyle?

Do I have the financial flexibility to provide for my family, travel, retire abundantly, or do/have the things I desire?

Do I worry about how I will be able to live the life of my dreams when I retire?

Do I constantly count down the hours until the evenings/weekends?

Does my work/life fill me with passion & purpose?

Am I living life on my own terms?

Do I have a community of people in my life,  to support, mentor, encourage and inspire me?

it's ok to want more - I did too.
and now that I've created it, I am here to help you do the same


  • Find products that you love & align with that can easily generate a profitable income – Without having to make hundreds of sales month
  • ​Master social media marketing to attract buyers 24/7 – By utilizing the power of ads so you never have to pester family & friends or cold message again
  • Build an automated sales & training system that generates leveraged income – Giving you actual time flexibility to live the life you always dreamed of living.
  • ​​Run a business that promotes health & reduces plastic use – Helping both the planet & others so you can feel fulfilled in your work.



Shinara lives in Auckland NZ and was struggling in her 9-5, broke and her marriage was suffering when she started her business as a High Ticket Affiliate Marketer. Listen to her amazing story of how she completely turned her life around. 


Deb is in her 50's and already owned her own traditional business in New Zealand, but with the pandamic, that business suffered and Deb realised she had to do something else to secure her income. Deb's a self confessed "technofobe" and if Deb can succeed in this business, anyone can. 


Anastasia is a young mum from Wellington NZ who was a burnt out Chiropractor. Anastasia knew she had to change something as she was preparing to start and family and wanted to be a SAHM as well as provide towards the family income. 


Steph lives on a property in country NSW, Australia. She is a young Mum who lives too far away from any town to be able to have a 9-5 job. Online business is perfect for anyone living remotely and Steph has been able to build her brand online all around her life as a farmers wife and busy mum. 


Hanna and her husband are regenerative farmers. Hannah is the perfect example of how you get to be you and do this business the way that suits you and your family. 


Rosie was a performer in the arts industry. During the pandemic, Rosie's career completely stopped, so she had to pivot and find another source of income. 

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